Time to Squad Up

Are you a team player? You ready to battle? Grab your friends and squad up on the hyper lanes for this newest game!

Sometimes, the one-on-one competition just isn’t your thing. Don’t worry, there’s a great game for groups and one that live action gaming has never seen before!

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For groups, parties and other events looking for fun team competition and prestigious bragging rights we have the game for you! HyperSquad is a strategic team game that is different every single time because you call the shots. Each team uses their own strategy and skill to claim territory on the lanes and try to outplay their opponent!

Start the game by splitting up into two teams and deciding your team name and team color. The game begins with no colors on the lanes, and for every hit on the bumper you claim territory on the lane.  The amount of territory you claim is dependent on how many pins you knock down. The more pins you knock down the larger the size of the territory you take up on the bumpers. Once a team claims a territory, the other team has to avoid that section. Every time you hit their color, you actually help grow their territory. The goal is to take up as much territory as you can to limit the amount of points your opponent can score.  The team with the most territory in the end wins!

HyperBowling is fun, but HyperSquad is the most engaging for large groups. It is a completely new way to play and encourages teamwork. Whether it’s a party, night out with friends or a work happy hour, it brings everyone together for a common goal. Because when you’re HyperBowling, #everyonewins

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